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Re: Geo::Point, Geo::Proj4 and PROJ 6

Le 17/04/2019 à 21:02, Xavier a écrit :
> Le 17/04/2019 à 20:42, Sebastiaan Couwenberg a écrit :
>> The Geo::Proj4 module is not compatible with the recently released PROJ
>> 6, because it uses the deprecated projects.h API that has been removed
>> in PROJ 6.
>> Upstream has indicated that he's not been using it for over a decade
>> [0]. Hence there still is no progress on moving away from projects.h.
>> The popcon data suggests that the only users of Geo::Proj4 do so via
>> Geo::Point. The number of votes for both packages are less than a dozen.
>> I intent to request removal of libgeo-proj4-perl once we start the
>> transition to PROJ 6, which implies that libgeo-point-perl needs to be
>> removed as well.
>> If you want to keep libgeo-point-perl in Debian, it either needs to not
>> require libgeo-proj4-perl or the latter needs to be updated to support
>> the proj.h API. And if you want to keep libgeo-point-perl,
>> libgeo-proj4-perl needs to be adopted too, I no longer have any interest
>> in maintaining the package, as I don't consider it to have a future.
>> What do you want to do with libgeo-point-perl & libgeo-proj4-perl?
>> [0] https://github.com/markov2/perl5-Geo-Proj4/issues/1
> This requires also to remove reverse dependencies:
> libgeo-proj4-perl         (18 recent installs, 10 votes)
>  +-> libosm-gary68-perl   (10 recent installs,  5 votes)
>  |    +-> rel2gpx         (10 recent installs,  5 votes)
>  +-> libgeo-point-perl    (13 recent installs,  8 votes)
> Cheers,
> Xavier

With reverse recommended dependencies:

libgeo-proj4-perl         (18 recent installs, 10 votes)
 +-> libosm-gary68-perl   (10 recent installs,  5 votes)
 |    +-> rel2gpx         (10 recent installs,  5 votes)
 +-> libgeo-point-perl    (13 recent installs,  8 votes)
 +-> gis-devel            (no popcon data)

All maintained by Debian GIS Project except libgeo-point-perl.

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