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Re: Can packaging be based on upstream git tags without CPAN tarballs?


On Mon 17 Feb 2020 at 03:34PM +01, Alex Muntada wrote:

> If you have some rough notes, I can convert them to POD and add
> them to gid.pod.

On second thoughts, let me take you up on this:

1. Check out a new branch starting at upstream release tag.

2. dzil build; cd Foo-Bar-*; dh-make-perl --pkg-perl

3. git branch -D pristine-tar upstream # no need for these when we have tags

4. mv debian ..; cd ..

5. Replace debian/rules and debian/watch with non-CPAN versions.  (See
   the repo for libgit-annex-perl.)  Add dzil and dzil plugins to
   build-deps (again see libgit-annex-perl)

6. git add debian; git commit; dzil clean

7. git deborig

Now you should be able to dpkg-buildpackage.

You could try this on one of my upstream release tags, as if I hadn't
already done it, and let me know if any steps are missing.

Thank you for your interest.

Sean Whitton

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