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Re: Moving my packages to the perl group

On Sat, 20 May 2023 19:06:11 +0200, Michael Ablassmeier wrote:

> On Sat, May 20, 2023 at 05:43:28PM +0200, gregor herrmann wrote:
> > I've just added you to the perl-team/modules group on Salsa, welcome aboard!
> thanks, ive just pushed both packages. Let me know if somethings still
> missing or if further adjustemnts are required,


- there is a debian/1.06-7 tag in git but it doesn't match git HEAD;
  maybe delete the tag?
  (in general tagging should happen at upload time)
- I've set #1007277 to pending
- then I ran dpt-fixup (wich added autopkgtests) and made two small
  manual commits (cf. git log)
- in the end I changed d/changelog back to UNRELEASED, as we need to
  wait for the bookworm release with further uploads

- basically the same :)
- tag doesn't math git HEAD and not waht's uploaded
- misc fixups, cf. git log
- a question is if we want to run the smoke tests during
  autopkgtests; I guess they are skipped during build because they
  need internet; currently they work during autopkgtests but maybe
  that's a bit risky. But we can always disable them later …
- there are two lintian tags which might merit a patch:
  W: libwebservice-musicbrainz-perl: bad-whatis-entry [usr/share/man/man3/WebService::MusicBrainz.3pm.gz]
  W: libwebservice-musicbrainz-perl: bad-whatis-entry [usr/share/man/man3/WebService::MusicBrainz::Request.3pm.gz]
- and also the freeze


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