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Re: gnome-pilot && gnome-pim

On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 02:33:32AM +0100, Sven Esbjerg wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 08:58:38AM +0800, Ian McKellar wrote:
> > I put together some packages a while ago for my own use, but they're no
> > where near release grade :( I'm not a debian developers so I didn't worry
> > about improving them. If theres a lot of interest I can have a bit more of
> > a fiddle and put them up on the web somewhere.
> That would be really nice. I would be happy to test and contribute any patches
> if I'm able. So far I have tried to make it work on my own but it's fra from
> what you can do if you using M....... W......
> It would be really nice to be able to incorporate Palm support in Debian that
> works 100% but I guess we're not near that point yet.

Okay, I've packaged up gnome-pilot-0.1.47 and gnome-pim_1.1.3. These are
not "production grade" packages, but I guess with some testing and some 
input from more experienced package mainaners they could be. There were
mostly built using dh_make.

Anyway, use:
deb http://hops.harvestroad.com.au/ debian/


Ian  McKellar | Email: yakk(a)yakk.net     | Web: http://www.yakk.net/
Fax: +61 (8) 9265 0821 / +0 (775) 205 0307 | Home: +61 (8) 9389 9152
If God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat.

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