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Re: URGENT: attention, this is a virus WAS: new photos from my party!

Chris Waters <xtifr@debian.org> writes:

> Why on earth should we bother?  Why should Debian waste one second on
> people who aren't using Debian systems?

So that 

* We don't get tons of mails with said worm

* We don't get tons of mail warning that it is a worm

* We don't get tons of mail complaining about why the worm is going to
  Linux mailing lists in the first place and telling everyone that if
  they didn't use Windows mailers they wouldn't have a problem

* We don't get tons of mail complaining about the people complaining
  about Windows mailers

* We don't get tons of mail complaining generally about people

* We don't get tons of mail saying "This was a worm" from everyone who
  has a virus checker set to spam everyone who got the original mail

* We don't get tons of mail from people complaining about the people
  who have virus checkers set to spam....

In short, it would save us from wasting time whenever this crap comes up.

Alan Shutko <ats@acm.org> - In a variety of flavors!
Don't feed the bats tonight.

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