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pilot connecting using pop3s protocol do Debian GNU/Linux

Hi, I am trying to make a pop3/SSL connection from an HandSpring Treo to
a Debian 3.0 box.

I installed the ipopd-ssl package, commented pop2 and pop3 from
/etc/inetd.conf, changed the service for pop3s to 110 in /etc/services
and reloaded inetd.

At this point inetd was waiting on port 110 and spawning to ipopd when
receiving a connection.

Then I tryed to connect from my palm using EudoraMail (do you have a
free different advice?) and I got this error in /var/log/mail.info

Jul 25 00:59:49 casa ipop3d[19608]: Unable to accept SSL connection, host=ppp-31-199.25-151.libero.it []
Jul 25 00:59:49 casa ipop3d[19608]: SSL error status: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number

do you have any suggestion on how to fix it?

I made a previous try on the pop3 port and it worked correctly.

Bye an thanks,
Giuseppe Sacco

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