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Re: policy violation and bug reports.

>>"Dale" == Dale Scheetz <dwarf@polaris.net> writes:

Dale> Joey asked for more input, so here is some. On Sun, 22 Feb 1998,
Dale> Joey Hess wrote:

Dale> I would hate to see the lambdacore database forced into /etc!
Dale> (I'm one of those systems that, from time to time, has a
Dale> lambdamoo running on the system)

	My contention is that the lmbdacore files are data, and that
 they are not conffiles. Look at this:

	The core file is installed in 

	In the postinst, if  /var/lib/lambdamoo/core does not exist, 
 copy /var/lib/lambdamoo/core.dist to /var/lib/lambdamoo/core. In any
 case, echo '' > /var/lib/lambdamoo/core.dist.

	If there are any upgrades, the postinst can ask to change it. 

	This is all predicated on the interpretation of whether 
 conffile == configuration file tracked by dpkg, or no.

	I just mean to say that even if it is, then we can inded
 package stuff without bloating /etc and without having conffiles out
 of /etc.

	I fail to see the need of a conffile which is not a
 configuraton file as well.
Dale> It has always been my understanding that a conffile was a
Dale> special class file with respect to dpkg and nothing more. It has
Dale> special rules for replacement, but every time I asked Ian J. I
Dale> was told that a conffile was not the same thing as a config
Dale> file.

	Could we get a rationale for that statement?

Dale> If the policy is intended to dictate that all conffiles
Dale> are config files then I am willing to say that the policy is
Dale> broken.

	Why so? Why do you think policy is broken, given my solution
 to the lambdacore problem above? 

Dale> This argument has been one of interpretation. This is always
Dale> going to be a problem with the policy. If we choose to live and
Dale> die based on the words in the policy manual rather than making a
Dale> reasoned decisions, when necessary, that potentially violate
Dale> policy, the distribution will suffer.

	Yes. But we can't, on the other hand, have a policy that we
 follow whenever we feel like it. I have never intimated that policy
 should not be changed. I have objected to, and shall continue to
 object to, is not following policy because we do not feel like
 following policy. 

	We have a reasonable process in place to modify policy; but it
 takes more than a feeling, as it should; and if we should always
 follow the policy in effect.

 Cole's Law: Thinly sliced cabbage.
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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