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Re: Kachina Technologies as a maintainer

>>"J" == J H M Dassen <jdassen@wi.leidenuniv.nl> writes:

 J> On Wed, Sep 23, 1998 at 05:14:03AM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
 >> The easiest way would be for each of you to apply as maintainer and
 >> maintain the packages as a group - which is not yet allowed by policy.
 >> *sigh*

 J> *sigh* indeed. Policy needs to be fixed then. 

 J> Several packages are succesfully maintained by a maintainer group (e.g.
 J> egcs, bootdisks). As a concession to policy, one maintainer is named as the
 J> "primary" maintainer (usually listing an email address that expands to the
 J> maintainer group).

	Funnily enough, the policy document itself is maintained by
 this list, which does not even have a fixed set of people (and,
 incidentally, that set of peole contains those that are not Debian
 maintainers either).

	Certainly, policy shjould be changed. A proposal, anyone?

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