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Re: Call for Seconds, Take II

>>"Joseph" == Joseph Carter <knghtbrd@earthlink.net> writes:

 >> Why is it so bad to ask for the upstream changelog to be
 >> *also* accessible by /usr/doc/<package>/changelog.gz, as it always
 >> has been on Debian?

 Joseph> I don't suppose it is, I just personally see no reason why it
 Joseph> must be that way.

	Consistency, and backwards compatibility. Fault analysis, and
 conventional wisdom, dictate that a working system should not be
 perturbed without good reason, even if the perturbance "causes no
 harm". Those are famous last words. If it ain't broke ...

 >> I suggest that the symlink solution is the best compromise. 

 Joseph> I think you're right about that.

	Good, something we can agree about. 

	Could we have a new revision of the proposal, please?

 Human beings were created by water to transport it uphill.
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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