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Re: Bug#13287: less uses /usr/bin/editor without it necessarily being there.


Christian Schwarz, in an immanent manifestation of deity, wrote:
>> If the envar EDITOR isn't set, less uses /usr/bin/editor.  This is
>> problematic since there are no editor packages yet that register that as
>> an alternative.  So, possibly it should depend on
>> /usr/bin/sensible-editor since that's actually in a package and mentions
>> that you should set $EDITOR.  But the way it is now, actually complies
>> with the packaging standards.  So, it might be a bug against
>> debian-policy but not until it's been discussed.  Therefore, I'm cc'ing
>> this to debian-policy (this could be considered a bug of this message.)
>I think this is actually a bug of less or debian-policy, it a bug of your
>preferred editor not providing /usr/bin/editor. Please assign this bug to
>the editor package.

I realized that I wasn't clear aft I sent that off.  The problem with
less is that it doesn't have any dependencies so that something it
depends on is there.  I'd be rather confused if I came from another unix
OS where 'v' in less brings up vi and I get '/usr/bin/editor: not
found'.  I might realize that I need to set $EDITOR but then I might not.
On the other hand, if less invoked sensible-editor instead of editor, I
would be told:
echo -e "Couldn't find an editor!" 2>&1
echo -e "Set the \$EDITOR environment variable to your desired editor." 2>&1

Using sensible-editor would also give a concrete dependency to less
(debianutils (>= 1.6)) rather than a nebulous "your editor should
provide this."  I can't tell dpkg this...

- -- 
<torin@daft.com> <http://www.daft.com/~torin> <torin@debian.org> <torin@io.com>
Darren Stalder/2608 Second Ave, @282/Seattle, WA 98121-1212/USA/+1-800-921-4996
@ Sysadmin, webweaver, postmaster for hire.  C/Perl/CGI programmer and tutor. @
@		     Make a little hot-tub in your soul.		      @

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