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Re: GNUstep and /usr/GNUstep...

>>"Vincent" == Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com> writes:

Vincent> I remember this discussion. The main difference is that KDE
Vincent> is not a standard (not yet at least ;) while OPENSTEP has
Vincent> been normalized in 1994. GNUstep inteding to be OPENSTEP
Vincent> compliant I guess we also have to cope with the "bad
Vincent> features" of it...

	Hmmm. Yes, this is a point (this is the reason we have
 /usr/X22R6, really). We have to decide whether GNUSTEP should have
 the same degree of importance for Debian that the X window system

>> So why are all these `desktop environments' designed so that they
>> _need_ to have everything in a single directory hierarchy? This
>> looks to me as they see themselves as `pure add-ons' to other
>> operating systems/

Vincent> GNUstep does not NEED to be in a single directory in order to
Vincent> work. It will just make it look weird compared with the other
Vincent> implementations (NeXTStep, Apple Rhapsody, Solaris, NT, ...)

	When has looking weird stopped us? ;-)

Vincent> Also OPENSTEP _is_ an operating system add-on, the same way
Vincent> X11R6 is.

	Then, I guess, the question is whether we are going to adopt
 this addition as an integral part of the OS. like we have adopted the
 X window system.

>> Perhaps we can find a `temporary compromise' then: Since a) the
>> packages would have to go into `contrib' first (unless the new dgs
>> is released) and you said `you're not sure if they are really
>> useful', why don't you just release them to contrib and install
>> everything into /usr/GNUstep for a first release?

Vincent> contrib, or even experimental since GNUstep has not yet
Vincent> reached the point where it can really be used (still mostly
Vincent> developer only)

	That answers my question. We definitely can not affoed GNU
 STEP the same importance as X, not until it gets stabler. I would
 hesitate to start bending standards for just any experimental
 doftware project, but that is just me (or is it?)

 Long life is in store for you.
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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