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Re: what needs to be policy?

Previously Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>  However, once the document has stabilized, I think it makes sense to
>  bring the document under ther fold of this mailing list, so that 
>  a) Policy documents are not scattered to the four winds,
>  b) the Packages affected by the sub policy are spared the whims and
>     vagaries of a lone developer ;-)

Does that mean that you want things like /usr/doc/modutils/placement.Debian.gz
and other subpolicies to be moved to the debian-policy package once they
are stabilized?

I suggested that a couple of months ago and got the reply that
subpolicies were just that and would never become part of the `official
policy documents'. As an example the emacsen-policy you mentioned a
couple of times now was also mentioned in that reply iirc.


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