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Re: copyright files in other languages

hello Guy,

you are opening a can of worms, here. :)

On Sat, Jan 16, 1999 at 10:03:38AM -0800, Guy Maor wrote:
> Should an English translation be required?  Currently a user need only
> speak English to decide if a package is free enough for him.

"only" is interesting. I agree english is the world language, but still...
many people have problems with the english language, especially with special
cases like legalese(sp?).
> What if the translation is wrong and implies that a free package is
> non-free or vice-versa?

What if my english is not good enough, then the same can happen. I see your
point, though, and don't want to argue it.

> We should request that the upstream author
> bless the translation.

Please define "bless". No author who has all senses together will offer you
an alternative in a language he does not understand or wants to understand.
If you choose a copyright notice in native language, you do it for a reason.

We can't enforce this. And I think this should not be _required_ to include
a software in main, although it would be _nice_ if the upstream author says
that a translation is okay for informational purpose (though without legal

> If we're unable to do this we can perhaps
> write in the copyright file that this version is not canonical, and
> that copyright.fr (for example) is.  I'm not sure if this is a good
> idea.

Mmmh. It is at least a suggestion we should think about. What else can we
do? Ah, wait. I think we should put _always_ the original copyright in
"copyright.gz", and offer a probably (legally) invalid translation
in copyright.en.


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