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Re: Software in main that is throughly useless without non-free software

>>"James" == James Troup <james@nocrew.org> writes:

 James> Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> writes:
 >> Hi,
 >> >>"James" == James Troup <james@nocrew.org> writes:
 >> >> Server != library. There is no linking.  There is no requirement to use
 >> >> it with a non-free server.
 James> Hello?  No requirement?  What, pray tell, does one do with TiK if one
 James> doesn't connect to a server (non-free)?
 >> Theoretically, one does not provode the software to do
 >> _anything_. You may look at it. You may feel inspired to write a free
 >> server. You may take pleasure in the number of packages you have
 >> installed. 

 James> Then, _why_ do we have contrib in the first place?

        I am surprised you are asking this question.

        Repeat after me, please. L I N K E R.  L i b r a r y. S h a r e d
 l i b r a r y (I hope I am not going too fast here).

        If I can't get a software to compile, or install, without
 requiring non-free components on my system, it goes in contrib. The
 desired functionality is to look at the out put of diagnostic tools
 so I can look at how the high level protocols work. 

 James> If the software doesn't have to be functional/useful/whatever,
 James> why don't we just abandon contrib and stick all the free
 James> software which depends on non-free software to be in main?
 James> After all, you can look at it.  You can feel inspired to write
 James> a free replacement for the non-free part.  You can take
 James> pleasure in the number of packages you have installed.

        L I B R A R Y.    C O D E        S P A C E.

 >> Do we have the right to deprive users of choices just because
 >> we see no reason to do stuff? Sounds a trifle draconian.

 James> `Deprive users of choices'?  Come again?  We're talking about
 James> putting something in contrib rather than main, not banning the
 James> program, hunting down the author and gutting him with a spoon.

        contrib is not part of Debian. You are depriving me of
  free software by shoving it out of Debian, just cause *YOU* do not
  see what good it is. 

        Me thinks you exceed your auhtority.

 James> I'd say the necessity to connect to the server before one
 James> can do what the majority of users would do with TiK is a
 James> requirement.
 >> Their choice.

 James> No, this is the point, it's not their choice.  A user has no
 James> choice but to use a non-free server.  Or do sweet FA with the
 James> software worth talking about.  I didn't think Debian was in
 James> the business of promoting non-free software?

        We are not. We just distribute free software, which depends on
 no non free component on my machine to install or run. I am not in
 the business of policing the world. 

        This software requires no non free component on my box. Desist
 from throwing it out of Debian.


 Your lover will never wish to leave you.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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