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CVS srivasta: Add a recommendation for the location for run-time support material,

CVSROOT:	/cvs/debian-policy
Module name:	debian-policy
Changes by:	srivasta	Fri Feb  4 18:48:54 MST 2005

Modified files:
	debian         : changelog 
	.              : upgrading-checklist.html policy.sgml 

Log message:
  Add a recommendation for the location for run-time support material,
  not meant to be invoked directly.
  a) it shows a predilection for a directory named for the package,
  but does not mandate it
  b) Since this is a new requirement, it starts off as a
  recommendation (after all, this was originally touted merely as
  "best practice", not as something required for interoperability)
  c) It also discusses arch independent modules, and adds similar
  language for that.

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