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Re: gnome, kde, xfce use non-policy main menu

On 2008-07-09, Chris Waters wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 09, 2008 at 01:11:54PM +0200, cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis) wrote:
> > Anybody know of any other concrete worries?
> There's also the ?package field (pretty basic, doesn't always match
> the enclosing package)

TryExec in .desktop, though that looks at binaries not packages and is thus not exactly the same

> and the hints.

These would be Categories in .desktop (the actual mapping from categories to
a specific hierarchy is specified in the applications.menu file)

> > On 2008-07-09, Chris Waters wrote:
> > > Debian menus are generated. There's no advantage in generating them
> > > from .desktop files,
> >
> > the advantage would be that for the growing amount of programs for
> > which upstream already includes .desktop files (complete with
> > translations), Debian doesn't need to create/maintain one.
> We'd still have to review them to make sure they meet policy (and
> that, for example, the ?package field is set correctly), and we still
> have to generate menus, meaning the input format still doesn't matter.
> If you want to take advantage of upstream's work in such cases, the
> simpler thing to do would be to create a tool that converts .desktop
> files into Debian menu files. That should be _at least_ 100x less
> work than rewriting the whole menu generator yet again.

Cheers, cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis)

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