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Re: Environment variables, debian/rules and dpkg-buildpackage

On Sun, 10 May 2009, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>         I would prefer Debian to remain a full fledged member of the free
>  software community, and continue to not let build behaviour diverge
>  whether or not dpkg-buildpackage was used -- which can be a substancial
>  resource hog for multiple binary source packages.

resource hog?? 

If you refer to the fact, that dpkg-buildpackage cleans and rebuilds
everything and that it can take a lot of time, then please stop using
arguments that do not hold at all. you can call arbitrary debian/rules
targets with dpkg-buildpackage (without calling the clean rule
before-hand) and I pointed that to you multiple times already.

It's in dpkg 1.15.x (in experimental right now, in sid this week) and
it's the --target option.

Raphaël Hertzog

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