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Bug#485559: Re: consistent tftpboot directory location [RFC]

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 08:37:42AM +0200, Franklin PIAT wrote:
> Package: debian-policy
> Severity: wishlist
> I've worked on the following policy snippet. As far as I am concerned, I
> would rather make the default location compulsory, and probably drop
> "tftp-get-root-location" then.

1. If /srv/tftp is used as the default location, it cannot be made
mandatory, and users must have a simple way to change it.
(see the FHS definition of /srv).

2. What use to you see for tftp-get-root-location ?

3. Since tftp does not follow symlink and packages are not allowed to install
file into /srv/, how can packages provide contents to the tftp server in a
user-friendly way ?

4. To be useful, a virtual package like tftp-server need to have some 
other packages depending on it. Which packages are you envisionning that
will depend on tftp-server ?

(I use tftp to install Debian using netboot d-i and I am quite interested in
a more streamlined tftpd in Debian, so I am interested in this proposal).

Bill. <ballombe@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 

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