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Re: Request for policy interpretation: procedure and possible outcomes for naming conflicts

Le Wed, May 02, 2012 at 02:12:22PM -0500, Jonathan Nieder a écrit :
> - When policy 10.1 refers to maintainers reporting naming conflicts to
>   debian-devel and trying to find consensus about which program is to
>   be renamed, is that consensus among the maintainers of the packages
>   involved or some other group?  In other words, is stonewalling an
>   acceptable and viable strategy?
> - Policy says that in the absence of consensus, both packages must be
>   renamed.  A number of people have mentioned that that looks like a
>   bad outcome from the users' perspective.

Hello everybody,

I also think that the current policy is not helpful to create consensus, and
can cause to maximise annoyance.

In addition, it has a minor loophole, that after both parties have renamed
their files, a third package can, without noticing, take the name.  Keeping a
placeholder solves the problem, but may also complicate local workarounds to
the forced renaming.  Perhaps the Policy package could maintain a blacklist of
program names for which no agreement was reached.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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