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Bug#864615: apt-listchanges: changelogs for tglase-nb.lan.tarent.de

On Sat, 7 Jul 2018, root wrote:

>   * Policy: Update version of POSIX standard for shell scripts

I wonder why the maintainers of the shell packages providing
a suitable /bin/sh were not contacted regarding this. We could
have provided input.

(tl;dr: Debian’s sh-suitable shells follow POSIX more closely,
so if POSIX past the last release changes something, chances are
the shells will implement the behaviour of the to-be-released-in-
the-future standard rather than the past one. GNU bash, dash and
mksh all have sh modes suitable enough, but they all are not 100%
compliant due to bugs and the moving of the platform; they are all
pretty close though. POSIX also leaves a lot open to implementors.
Shell *scripts* though are often not compliant, e.g. they (such as
debconf…) use "${foo#*(}" which works in bash and dash by accident
but is not permitted by POSIX… so I’m content enough with a “good

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“mysql is about as much database as ms access” – “MSSQL at least descends
from a database” “it's a rebranded SyBase” “MySQL however was born from a
flatfile and went downhill from there” – “at least jetDB doesn’t claim to
be a database”	(#nosec)    ‣‣‣ Please let MySQL and MariaDB finally die!

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