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Bug#1020248: debian-policy: Clarifying nomenclature for control file names

Please remove the following email address:  e.little598@gmail.com

On Sun, Sep 10, 2023 at 2:33 PM Russ Allbery <rra@debian.org> wrote:
Guillem Jover <guillem@debian.org> writes:

> Seems I missed another file:

>   * .changes:
>     policy → «upload control file» / «Debian changes file»
>     dpkg   → «upload control file» / «.changes control file» /
>              «Debian .changes file» / «Debian changes file»


> For changes I think something like the following might be a more clear
> option (and has the minor bonus of aligning perfectly on the first
> words! :), with it mentioning explicitly this is about changes being
> uploaded, and that it is a control file (but I'm not sure I'm entirely
> convinced about it):

>     * .changes:       «Debian upload changes control files»


> I've also found instances of «record» and «section» referring to fields
> or stanzas.


> I also recalled another term that has always seemed very confusing in
> context: «control information files» or «control information area». For
> example in a sentence such as “the control file is a control information
> file in the control information area in a .deb archive”. :) This also
> seems confusing when some of the files in the .deb control member are
> not really “control files” with a deb822(5) format.

> My thinking has been going into calling these as the «metadata files»,
> and being located in either the  «metadata part of the .deb archive» or
> explicitly the «control member of the .deb archive», in contrast to the
> filesystem part. In dpkg I'd be eventually switching to meta/metadata
> and fsys/filesystem, from control or info and data. I've added a patch
> with the proposed change, but again nothing set in stone, and I'm again
> open to discussing pros/cons of this.

> Attached the proposals for discussion/review, and I might again have
> perhaps missed instances or similar.

All of these changes seem straightforward and uncontroversial to me, and
there are huge advantages to using consistent terminology between Policy
and dpkg.  I have applied all of them for the next Policy release.  Thank

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)              <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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