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Re: Bug#915583: debian sphinx styling: second attempt

RL <richard.lewis.debian@googlemail.com> writes:

> http://stephane.yaal.fr/tmp/release-notes/issues.html#grub-no-longer-runs-os-prober-by-default
> the '# dpkg-reconfigure <grub>' is shown as a shell-comment, but is
> meant to be a command-to-run-as-root (i remember this being discussed on
> the previous version on the release-notes list, and i thought someone
> had posted a way to fix it?)

The sphinx-prompt extension plus using:

.. prompt:: bash
   :prompts: #

   dpkg-reconfigure <grub>

will fix this, with the added bonus of removing the # prompt from the text
that is selected when the user cuts and pastes, so they can cut and paste
just the command.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)              <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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