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Bug#1064593: Bug#1066967: Bug#1064593: Bug#1066967: dh_sphinxdoc: replaces files provided by read-the-doc theme by empty symlinks


On Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 03:30:55PM +0100, Holger Wansing wrote:
> Ok, I see.
> So, we will need to get sphinx-rtd-theme-common installed on all debian.org
> website mirrors, and it will just work (?) ...

From your earlier message it seemed to me like you are using the build
tree in your deploy process, not the built package.

That is why I suggested not running dh_sphinxdoc, however my suggestion
applied only to your deploy procedure. The package which is being uploaded
to Debian archive should still use dh_sphinxdoc.

If you are using the built package and installing it on the remote server,
then yes, install sphinx-rtd-theme-common and you should be good.

Actually, I would move ${sphinxdoc:Depends} from Recommends to Depends,
because the documentation is mostly unusable without the static files.

Dmitry Shachnev

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