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[Popcon-developers] Using popcon internally at my work

I work for a large IT company and run a small-ish Debian repository for
all the internal tools we use.
I think all the developers/packagers there would love to know how many
people are using their packages, and popcon is designed to do exactly this.

I am however unsure of the best way to achieve this.
I thought about making a copy of the popcon package and changing the
email and http url to upload results, but it looks like a lot of effort
to change the whole package to site side by side.

I saw Ubuntu have some popcon specifics in the package, maybe I should
do something similar
Does popcon have the ability to send emails to multiple places at once?

I am assuming that currently popcon will be reporting all our internal
packages to popcon.debian.org. I don't know if the Debian server will be
filtering only the packages that exist only in Debian, or if this is
done on the client, or at all. Can anyone tell me?

Also, your thoughts on the best way to get package popularity inside our
company would be most appreciated. Mostly just our custom packages (all
from one repository server, but no real distinctive naming conventions
are used) but perhaps all Debian packages would help our packagers too.

I thought about building a package that just sets a cronjob for another
popcon run with my own config file, that way it won't interfere with the
Debian popcon and will use all its binaries/scripts. Is this a good idea
or not?

Thanks for taking the time to read this,


N.B. I am not on this mailing list, but if the discussion will warrant
it I can sign up.

email: anton at piatek.co.uk
blog/photos:			http://www.strangeparty.com
pgp: [0xB307BAEF]	(http://tastycake.net/~anton/anton.asc)
fingerprint: 116A 5F01 1E5F 1ADE 78C6 EDB3 B9B6 E622 B307 BAEF

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