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Re: Bug#999677: RFP: popcon-stats-data -- Debian's Popularity Contest statistics

[Forwarded to and CCing the debian-popcon mailing list]

On Sun, 2021-11-14 at 21:43 +0100, Bálint Réczey wrote:

> The shipped data would let package managers show the popularity of
> packages which could let users make more informed decisions when
> choosing between packages to install.
> Ideally the stats would be shipped in a format from which APT and
> other package managers could efficiently look up the percentage of
> Debian systems a particular binary package was used.

This package would be very Debian specific and would give the wrong
data when installed in Ubuntu, I think a better approach would be to
ship this data in the Debian apt repository metadata, either in the
Packages files or in Popularity files in the dists/ dir (similar to the
Contents files used by apt-file) so that the data is directly available
to apt clients like aptitude/etc. This way Ubuntu and other derivatives
could also ship popularity data for their users too.



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