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Re: bash returning error 139 running zcat | patch

On Sat, Sep 18, 1999 at 02:30:01PM -0700, Matt Porter wrote:
> I had to give up on this and see if anybody else had an idea.  I was
> fixing up the powerpc patch package for 2.2.12 and found this odd error
> during the build process.
> The rules file for a kernel build calls make-kpkg which runs "run-parts"
> over the /usr/src/kernel-patches/powerpc/apply/ directory.  In that
> directory is the 0powerpc script which applies the diff present with "zcat
> <file> | patch -l -s -p1" and stamps the top level so apply/unapply can
> see if the patch was already applied.
> Unfortunately, the zcat | patch line fails and run-parts claims that the
> script is returning an error 139.  What's even better is that I cannot
> reproduce this error by running the 0powerpc script directly from the
> shell...the apply/unapply process works fine.

Lesson learned...fakeroot doesn't work for this particular operation.  I
now use sudo to avoid this problem. :-/
Matt Porter
This is Linux Country. On a quiet night, you can hear Windows reboot.

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