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Re: help installing from the CD-ROM on an iMac

On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 10:42:06AM -0500, Jack Lawler wrote:
> The instructions are incomplete.  I think I want the openfirmware commands
> to load a boot-file (ofboot.b ?) from the CD-ROM.  Section 6.3.3
> "Installing from
> Openfirmware" has been left blank, because it has not been written yet.  I
> do
> not have a floppy disk drive.  Any help would be appreciated.

unless your iMac is a recent one you should be able to boot the CD
like any MacOS cd:  just hold down the `c' key when booting the

if that fails (cursed r0 cds...) you need to enter OpenFirmware and
enter the following command:

boot cd:,\\yaboot

to enter OpenFirmware hold down `command option o f' when booting the

there is some documentation on setting up the bootstrap in the debian
install docs, its in the `make bootable from the hard disk' section.  

you might consider waiting for r2 CDs they will certianly boot on the
machine without trouble and the newworld bootstrap setup is better
documented and MUCH easier.  

also browse about my web page (.sig) for more info on the bootloader
issues on NewWorld PowerMac hardware.  

Ethan Benson

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