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Re: Short battery life on Powerbook Prismo

>>>>> "Michel" == Michel Lanners <mlan@cpu.lu> writes:

    > On 14 Oct, this message from marshal@h9.dion.ne.jp echoed
    > through cyberspace:
    >> Damn.  I'll go searching though, since in Japan, they seem to
    >> keep old parts around.

    > Hmmm..

    >> Any possibility of reconditioning the battery?

    > Once upon a time, when I was sill using a Powerbook 520 under
    > MacOS, there was an app called something along the lines of
    > '...battery recondition...'. Don't know if that one or another
    > such app supports the Pismo batteries... Have a look at an
    > Info-Mac mirror near you.

No such luck...  They are for the really old batteries...

    > What you might also do is cycle the battery a few times,
    > i.e. letting it drain and then immediatly recharging it, and
    > this some 5 times in a row.

I tried that.  Doesn't seem to do too much.

A funny thing that does happen is that on my battery meter under
gkrellm, I see the numbers go down, and they match the LEDs on the
battery.  But the moment it hits around 50%, BLAM, goes to sleep...
Any ideas about that?

    > If you're good at manual work and electronics, you can also, as

Lets not go there with me.  ^_^

Thanks for the help.


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