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Re: Netinstall grief on iMac G5


On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 15:58 +0930, Mike Hore wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I downloaded the netinstall iso image, burned a CD, but I can't boot off 
> it.  Am I supposed to do something else?
> I already have yaboot installed, so on boot I enter "c" for a CD boot.  
> Then I'm getting what appears to be a memory exception, then it lands me 
> back in Open Firmware asking me to "release the keys", but it doesn't 
> respond to the keyboard or anything, and I have to do a hard reboot.

When did you get this exception message?
Did you see a message like this: "Welcome to Debian... This is a Debian
installation CDROM"?

If yes, what did you enter at the "boot:" prompt?
Maybe you just loaded the 32bit kernel, which does not work on G5 Macs.
Try install64 or expert64.

If the exception message appears before the CD boot loader, you might
try to boot directly from the CD omitting the yaboot on your hard drive.
Press the 'C' key just after you powered on your Mac and hold it until
the boot: prompt appears.

If this doesn't help either, your CD may be broken.


> Cheers,  Mike.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>           Mike Hore        mike_hore@aapt.net.au
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

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