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Powerbook 12" 1.5 GHz, therm_adt746x, thermal issues


I am experiencing heat-caused shutdowns on a PowerBook 12" 1.5 Ghz (the last 12" PowerBook model with USB Trackpad and Keyboard) when it is under heavy load and especially when the Harddisk is busy (I have replaced the standard HD with an presumably hotter running 7200rpm drive)

The machine currently runs Debian Testing (Lenny). I have done some experiments with the options from the "therm_adt746x" module but with not much success yet. Setting the "limit_adjust" option seems to effect when the fan kicks in (default is 50 Celsius) and the "fan_speed" option seems to be responsible for the initial (or
minimum) speed of the fan when it kicks in.

I am monitoring the temperatures of CPU and GPU as well as the fan speed while running a CPU and HD intense task on the PowerBook. The fan is always running at top speeds when the CPU reaches around 60 Celsius, so everything seems to be alright there. When the CPU temp stays above 70-72 Celsius for some
time the Powerbook just stops hard.

Now, when I remove the "therm_adt746x" module I get a pretty similar behaviour in therms of fan management. The fan seems to kick in a little earlier (maybe comparable to when using the "limit_ajdust=-7" option) but there seems to be no temperature shutdown limit (or at least a very high one). In fact withouth the "therm_adt746x" module, fan management seems to be exactly like under OS X - how is this possible? Is it done by the Hardware?
What is the "therm_adt746x" module for then?

I have also looked into the "linux-source/drivers/macintosh/ therm_adt74x" source and found some temperature limits there but I am not sure wicht ones are responsible for what. So i did not want to change anything and risk
ruining the PowerBook due to overheating.

I had the same PowerBook running under MacOS X where the CPU temperature topped out at around 69 Celsius. I am aware that the sensors might not give exact values but still they should be identical under OS X and Linux. Is Linux just running hotter or does the MacOS simply not care about the heat as much and just not shut down the PowerBook at about 70 Celsius. Just as I said - i never saw temperatures above 70 Celsius under OS X - i observed about 76 Celsius when i run under Linux without the "therm_adt746x" module for a while (then modprobed it in and fetched the temp
from "/sys/devices/temperatures/)"

What I would like to do now is the following: having the fan kick in quite early and with low speed, increasing the speed when the temperature gets higher. And i would definitely like to increase the shutdown temperature limit. Where is this set and how can I alter the setting? How high could I go with the limit without killing the PowerBook.

The goal is of course preventing the hard stops because it is rather annoying when it does i during a rsync backup
to an external Firewire HD for example (and it does this right now...)

I would appreciate to hear any help, suggestions or experiences with this kind of problem!

Andreas Schreiner

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