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Re: Installing debian on mac mini G4


Em Ter, 2012-06-05 às 22:36 +0200, e20100633 escreveu:
> Hello Christian,
> On Tue, 2012-06-05 at 14:23 +0200, Christian Lynbech wrote:
> > Anybody knows what is going on or has any ideas how I can debug the
> > problem?


Well, if you are trying to boot from an external firewire cd drive you
could try the schema bellow replaceing usb with whatever name
openfirmware calls firewire.

> Then, with the usb key plugged in, reboot you mac and at boot time (when
> you hear the "ding") get in the Open Firmware with Command+Option+O+F.
> You will see a prompt with a welcome message[1]. There you have to
> search for your usb device using the command dev and ls.
> 0 > dev usb0
> 0 > ls
> You will probably see your keyboard device and/or mouse. But you have to
> search for "disk" like /pci@f2000000/usb1b,1/disk@1. If dev usb0 didn't
> gived you something relevant, proceed with usb1, etc.
> 0 > dev usb1
> 0 > ls
> (...)
> For example last time I booted from my usb key I found *disk@2 under
> usb1.
> To boot, you use the command 'boot', with information you grabbed from
> ls :
> 0 > boot /pci@f2000000/usb1b,1/disk@2:,\install\yaboot
> But note that you can use the alias too (use the command devalias, if
> you're not sure):
> 0 > boot usb1/disk@2:,\install\yaboot
> This will bring you on yaboot...
> I wish you a good luck! Regards,
> ----
> Footnote:
> 1. http://lifedigital2010.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/of.jpg
> -- 
> ~ #ID: e20100633 <e20100633()inbox!lv> #TTY: 9-8M 4554
> ~ TYPE 1707-A3 S/N L3-M2812 SLACKWARE 13.0 RLU #527034
> ,------- They say that Nethack bugs are Seldon planned
> `-----------------------{,_,"> http://porneia.free.fr/

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