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Re: Debian 12 on iMac G5

On Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 08:19:19PM +0100, Claudia Neumann wrote:
Hi all,

in the meantime I succeeded in installing Debian 12.0.0 on iMac G5 with radeon graphic

I used ISO-Image 2023-06-18, installed default with tasksel KDE plasma, LXDE and LXQT.

I had to insert "radeon.agpmode=1 radeon.modeset=1 video=offb.off nomodeset" in grub
to get graphic mode.

Just for future references. On my iMac G5 I've the Nvidia GeForce and the
nouveau driver. I had to set "video=TV-1:d" to avoid continous error ("DDC
responded, but no EDID")

Now firmware R300_cp.bin, b43 and isight.fw is missing. I can not install this firmware
from the indicated sources.

/etc/debian_version is telling me, it is trixie/sid, but 12.0.0 should be bookworm stable.

Can I change /etc/debian_version to bookworm and change the /etc/apt/sources.list to
bookworm? Should I download the missing firmware by hand and install it?

With LXDE I can work although it is rather slow.

I'm using i3 and the performance is fine. It might take a while to get used to i3.

Firefox hangs, konqueror will not show
google. Are there any tricks to make that better?

I'm struggling as well in finding a decent browser for such an old hardware.
I've in the pipeline to try ArticFox (https://github.com/rmottola/Arctic-Fox)

A bit extreame perhaps. You could try `lynx` and friends.

Otherwise the iMac G5 is not usable.

Best regards


Federico Vaga

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