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Bug#712512: Ghostscript seems to be working

Following from my previous message,

# cat simple1.pcl >/dev/usb/lp0
# cat simple2.pcl >/dev/usb/lp0

works. The second file simple2.pcl is printed correctly.

So presumably this suggests that it is a cups problem? 
A quick look at the foomatic ppd file didn't show anything obviously
wrong to the untutored eye.

$ lpr -oraw simple1.pcl
immediately after also shows the bug: fragments of PJL are printed,
not the rendering of the postscript.

Again that seems to suggest a cups bug?

Now I suppose that if I can get systemd to let me capture the raw cups
output and it differs from the concatenation of simple1.pcl and
simple2.pcl then perhaps that will give some clues.


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