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remote printing for an USB printer

hi everybody,
I already sent this post to the debian-user list, but after that,I discovered
this more specialized list...

I have a HP photosmmart printer connected via USB to my Debian desktop.
On my android tablet,the "printershare" application found it immedialty,
without providing it any information (just: "look on the wifi network"). and
the installation was done in less that 10 seconds.
For me, that means that the setup of my server is correct.

On my wheezy laptop, it's almost a nightmare. I tried all documented methods
(system-config-printer, http://localhst:631/printers), and
no one worked. My last attempt was  to add in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
That seemed to work, as lpstat -a showed me all the printer
queues of the server, and I could succesfully print a job, but:

  - on the client, the job remains in the queues, and the printer is
     marked as "stopped"
  - on the server, the printer queue grows indefinitely, and the printer
    spit page after page, until I cancel the job on the client, and all
    jobs on the server.

I have exactly the same problem on a second laptop, also running wheezy.

What can I try now?

best regards,
Pierre Frenkiel

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