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Re: CUPS package: autopkgtest changes cause a lot of failures on Ubuntu

Le lundi, 24 février 2020, 16.07:39 h CET Till Kamppeter a écrit :
> Hi,
> the last two Debian package releases of CUPS cause us a lot of problem.

My understanding is that autopkgtests is lying here; the real culprit is 
either systemd (it seems something changed in the .socket-.service ordering); 
or cups-filters (its 1.27.1-1 release broke printing on any pipelines using 
postcript intermediates). I wonder if the dependencies or metadata shouldn't 
be updated to make sure to block cups-filters when it breaks, and not cups.

Also, the links you gave me show that cups 2.3.1-9 is broken; but you should 
wait for 2.3.1-10 to get tested too.

>   cups (2.3.1-9) unstable; urgency=medium
>   .
>     * CI Tests: Ensure the job files are non-empty; should detect more
>       regressions

This was to ensure we don't allow a CUPS/cups-filters combination in Debian 
testing when printer final files are empty. It's a countermeasure to detect 
error states such as the ones shown by cups-filters 1.27.1.

> cups (2.3.1-10) unstable; urgency=medium
>   .
>     * Add Requires=cups.socket to cups.service, to make sure they start in
>       the right order

This is to make sure a "service restart cups" actually leaves cups.socket and 
cups.service in the correct states. But it might have been a mis-debugging on 
my side.

>     * CI Tests: Add a test for all CUPS' basic commands, thanks to RedHat

That's broken in 2.3.1-10, see https://salsa.debian.org/printing-team/cups/-/
jobs/578343 . I'm testing a change for 2.3.1-11 to fix this.

>     * Add Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} to cups-daemon to fix
>       skip-systemd-native-flag-missing-pre-depends lintian flag

That's just a lintian flag fix, should have no effect.

>     * Add patch proposal from RedHat to fix leakage of ppd (Issue: #5738)

Same here, small memory leak patch.

> The packages got auto-synced by Ubuntu and if a package release is
> uploaded (or synced from Debian) to the Ubuntu package repositories, it
> at first goes into the -proposed repository. (…)

What you describe also happens between `unstable` and `testing`, see

> Due to our upload policy this is a major problem for us.
> Are there also so many failures at Debian? Do they also stop the
> upload/release process there?

Yes. But it's still (and will always be) _your_ decision to sync from Debian 
at the times _you_ see fit. I'll be uploading to Debian when I see fit, and 
while I really sympathize with Ubuntu releasing Focal Fossa, I'm really not 
trying to hurt that release. But releasing Focal Fossa is on your schedule, 
and on your terms, and I can't refrain from uploading because you auto-sync. 
Syncing is your responsibility, and it could make sense to only sync from our 
testing if I break stuff too much. :-)

> Is there worked on fixing these failures at Debian?

Well yes. After cups-filters 1.27.1 got uploaded with broken PostScript 
handling, all the work I did on CUPS was to mitigate this and make sure it is 
not going to happen again.

I'll upload tomorrow again if I manage to fix the commands' autopkgtest, then 
we should all make sure the tests are against the patched cups-filters and the 
latest cups.


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