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Cannot build sane-airscan 0.99.12

I tried to build the newest sane-airscan Debian package but it seems that something is missing in the repository. It is not able to build the source tarball. See below.


till@till-x1yoga:~/ubuntu/sane-airscan/debian$ git clone https://salsa.debian.org/printing-team/sane-airscan
Cloning into 'sane-airscan'...
warning: redirecting to https://salsa.debian.org/printing-team/sane-airscan.git/
remote: Enumerating objects: 3683, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3683/3683), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1157/1157), done.
remote: Total 3683 (delta 2554), reused 3637 (delta 2512), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (3683/3683), 899.76 KiB | 998.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2554/2554), done.
till@till-x1yoga:~/ubuntu/sane-airscan/debian$ cd sane-airscan/
till@till-x1yoga:~/ubuntu/sane-airscan/debian/sane-airscan$ gbp buildpackage -S
gbp:warning: Pristine-tar branch "pristine-tar" not found
gbp:info: Creating /home/till/ubuntu/sane-airscan/debian/sane-airscan_0.99.12.orig.tar.gz gbp:error: Error creating sane-airscan_0.99.12.orig.tar.gz: Pristine-tar couldn't checkout "sane-airscan_0.99.12.orig.tar.gz": fatal: path 'sane-airscan_0.99.12.orig.tar.gz.delta' does not exist in 'refs/remotes/origin/pristine-tar' pristine-tar: git show refs/remotes/origin/pristine-tar:sane-airscan_0.99.12.orig.tar.gz.delta failed

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