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Re: Request for Removal: Unmaintained libppd in Debian

For smooth updating and easy fade-out of PPD file support on the actual switchover to the New Architecture, I will create the following relationships between Debian packages (note that on the old system we had cups-filters 1.x and CUPS 2.x and after the update we want cups-filters 2.x components replacing cups-filters 1.x and we want to stay with CUPS 2.x):

Source: libcupsfilters 2.x

Needs libcups2

 - libcupsfilters2
   o Depends:
     + libcupsfilters2-common (>= ${source:Version})
 - libcupsfilters2-common
   o Recommends:
     + libcupsfilters2 (>= ${source:Version})
   o Breaks:
     + cups-filters (<< 2.0~)
   o Replaces:
     + cups-filters (<< 2.0~)
 - libcupsfilters-dev
   o Depends:
     + libcupsfilters2 (= ${binary:Version})

Source: libppd 2.x

Needs libcupsfilters2, libcups2

 - libppd2
   o Depends:
     + libppd2-common (>= ${source:Version})
 - libppd2-common
   o Recommends:
     + libppd2 (>= ${source:Version})
 - libppd-dev
   o Depends:
     + libppd2 (= ${binary:Version})
 - ppdc
   o Depends:
     + libppd2-common (>= ${binary:Version})
   o Breaks:
     + cups-ppdc
   o Replaces:
     + cups-ppdc
   o Provides:
     + cups-ppdc

Source: cups-filters 2.x

Needs libppd2, libcupsfilters2, libcups2

 - cups-filters-core-drivers
   o Depends:
     + bc
     + cups-ipp-utils
     + poppler-utils
   o Breaks:
     + cups-filters (<< 1.13.0)
   o Replaces:
     + cups-filters (<< 1.13.0)
 - cups-filters
   o Depends:
     + bc
     + ghostscript
     + poppler-utils
     + cups-filters-core-drivers (>= ${binary:Version})
   o Provides:
     + foomatic-filters
     + foomatic-filters-beh
     + ghostscript-cups
   o Recommends:
     + colord
   o Suggests (or Recommends?):
     + printer-driver-braille
   o Conflicts:
     + foomatic-filters
     + foomatic-filters-beh
     + ghostscript-cups
   o Replaces:
     + foomatic-filters
     + foomatic-filters-beh
     + ghostscript-cups

Source: braille-printer-app 1.x

Needs: cups-filters 2.x, libppd2, libcupsfilters2, libcups2, libpappl1

 - braille-printer-app
   o Recommends:
     + liblouisutdml-bin | liblouis-bin
   o Suggests:
     + antiword
     + docx2txt
     + foomatic-db-compressed-ppds | foomatic-db
     + imagemagick
     + lynx
 - printer-driver-braille
   o Recommends:
     + liblouisutdml-bin | liblouis-bin
   o Suggests:
     + antiword
     + docx2txt
     + foomatic-db-compressed-ppds | foomatic-db
     + imagemagick
     + lynx

Source: cups-browsed 2.x

Needs: libppd2, libcupsfilters2, libcups2

 - cups-browsed
   o Pre-Depends:
     + init-system-helpers (>= 1.54~)
   o Depends:
     + cups-daemon
     + lsb-base
   o Recommends:
     + avahi-daemon
   o Breaks:
     + cups-filters (<< 1.4.0~)
   o Replaces:
     + cups-filters (<< 1.4.0~)
   o Enhances: cups

There is no libfontembed any more. Its functionality is folded into libcupsfilters. -> What has to beadded to libcupsfilters's dependencies for that?

The API of libfontembed got discontinued/removed. There are actually no packages using it.

There are not really many changes, as there was already a splitting of the cups-filters source Debian package into binary packages. Some files got split off cups-filters into the -common binary packages of the 2 libraries. The depencies shown here should handle this, please correct if I am wrong.

libcupsfilters can be installed alone without the other 4 components, so PPD file support can be easily discontinued/removed.

The upstream package braille-printer-app is intended to build without libppd/PPD file support if one builds only the Printer Application and not the classic driver, which is intended to be done in the future.

The binary Debian package braille-printer-app is also supposed to not depend on libppd. If needed, I will create a braille-common binary Debian package to manage this.

In a future version cups-browsed upstream will be a Printer Application which has no PPD file support, not even internally and then not depend on libppd any more.

In case of an update of a Debian installation with CUPS 2.x and cups-filters 1.x, all installed binary packages will get updated and libppd and printer-driver-braille newly installed if needed. After that one should be able to uninstall everything which contains PPD support (simply "apt remove libppd2") and so get a smooth transition to the future PPD free CUPS 3.x/CUPS Snap environment.

Please also tell me additional dependencies have to be added to the scheme above for correctly coping with libppd0/libppd-legacy on the system.


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