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Re: Interested in Binary Code for the Linux Operating System

On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 04:25:14PM -0600, Darla Cannon wrote:
> I understand that Linux and Debian provide the code for the operating
> system,


> which I assume is strictly binary system codes,

Absolutely not. Most software in Debian is written in the C programming
language, with smaller amounts of C++, Perl, Python, Fortran, shell,
and dozens of other miscellaneous languages.

By 'binary system codes', I assume you mean the instruction opcodes for
your particular processor (they vary from architecture to architecture,
which is why portable languages like C were created). For the i386
platform, I highly recommend you buy Intel's i386 Instruction Reference
Manual set. Other references exist for other platforms.

> so that users can customize settings if they want.

The preferred method is to have the program read a configuration file -
if the program does not have the ability to do this, please suggest it
by filing a wishlist bug against the package it is a part of (see
http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting). If you're feeling ambitious, you
may even wish to download the source code, make the changes yourself, and
submit the changes as part of your bug report in the form of a patch
(which you can use 'diff -u' to create). Then everyone benefits.

> I would like to see this code because I am trying to learn how to
> program in binary, not to duplicate or resell your code,

For all of the software Debian ships in its 'main' or 'contrib' sections,
that's allowed. See http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines for
other rights Debian guarantees you, and look at
/usr/share/doc/[packagename]/copyright and any corresponding license
files it may mention to learn of other rights the author has given you.

> but just to learn. If you could provide me with this I would be most
> grateful.

It sounds like you want a disassembler (which converts opcodes back to
human-readable instructions) - gdb can do this for you for any executable
format it supports, whether you have the source or not.

Source code to any Debian package in main or contrib (and non-free,
where possible) may be retrieved by running the 'apt-get source' command.
If you are not a Debian user, you can still find it by browsing a mirror
via HTTP or FTP. Look in the /debian/pool/main/ directory for 'tar.gz',
'.diff.gz', and '.dsc' files.

Oh, and in the future, please direct any user questions you might have
about Debian to debian-user@lists.debian.org. Thanks.
Robert Woodcock - rcw@debian.org
"Obviously some modifications are going to be made in order to make sure
that national security is intact" -- Andy Radlow, Vodafone AirTouch

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