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[dean@linux.com: Re: Linux.com Live!]

Email Dean if you are interested in this. Specifically I think he's
interested in some Debian developers, but others may be able to assist

----- Forwarded message from Dean Henrichsmeyer <dean@linux.com> -----

From: Dean Henrichsmeyer <dean@linux.com>
To: Ben Collins <bcollins@debian.org>
Subject: Re: Linux.com Live!

Oh, sorry, I left out an important point, it's all online, on IRC. 
Geographic location of the people is irrelevant. It happens in #live on 
OPN. We do it online, so those all over the world can follow along with 
an install and do it. Virtual install fest so to speak.


Ben Collins wrote:

>On Sat, Oct 13, 2001 at 12:39:07PM -0500, Dean Henrichsmeyer wrote:
>>Hey Ben,
>>	We're having an install fest week at Linux.com. We're having various 
>>"live!" events where people will be walking through installs so those 
>>participating can install as we go. Do you have one or two people from 
>>the debian crew that would be interested and good at that? Install fest 
>>week is the week of October 22-26th. Anyway, let me know if you know of 
>Where's it at?


Dean Henrichsmeyer
Director - Linux.com

----- End forwarded message -----

/                   Ben Collins    --    Debian GNU/Linux                  \
`  bcollins@debian.org  --  bcollins@openldap.org  --  bcollins@linux.com  '

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