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Re: [Spi-trademark] Re: debian domains

[I am not subscribed to the spi-trademark list.]

On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 02:21:03PM +0100, MJ Ray wrote:
> leader@debian.org wrote:
> > There are other domains which are imho more problematic than those
> > mentioned in this thread.  Anyway, before we can enforce our
> > trademark, we actually need an updated and coherent trademark policy.
> I'm disappointed by your inaction. The current permission
> statement does not permit any use which seems to cover this case.
> http://www.debian.org/News/1998/19980306a

That notice could probably be more prominent; I don't think I've it seen
more than once since it was originally posted (until today).

> Further, the SPI Trademark Committee charter resolution suggests
> that trademark disputes have been resolved in the past. Why do
> you think that updating the policy is *required* before action?
> http://www.spi-inc.org/corporate/resolutions/resolution-2003-06-03.bmh.1

Well, Martin might be looking for an explicit process to apply before going
about rattling the saber.  I would certainly look for that before
personally undertaking any saber-rattling on Debian's behalf -- much as I
might enjoy it, I think it would be better to have SPI's counsel send
something official on legal letterhead to anyone we need to caution.

> Please cc Greg on the material you send to the next DPL about
> this topic, to save the next DPL a step and everyone some time.

Indeed; given the quietness of the SPI trademark committee of late, Greg
seems to be most plugged into these issues.

> The trademark committee seems to follow in part from your
> statements to debian-project in September 2003. What is the
> state of current work on the policy? Were the offers of Derek
> Neighbors and Andrew M.A. Cater taken up? I've just scanned the
> "Bits from the DPL" postings and it didn't appear since October
> 2003. When did spi-trademark last report to SPI?

In my capacity as a member of the SPI Board of Directors, I can't recall
seeing anything from the trademark committee since last fall at least.
Greg Pomerantz, SPI's legal counsel, has been very reponsive to several
miscellaneous trademark-related queries over the past few months, but
that's not the same thing.

I'm CCing John Goerzen, the SPI President -- John, if you think it would be
a good idea, please ask David to add an SPI Trademark Committee update to
the agenda for our next monthly meething (not the special tax/accounting
meeting on 26 April, of course).  As DPL-elect, I don't want to overplay my
status as a stakeholder by going straight to David and insisting he add it.
If there's some other way you'd like to get our collective brains up to
date on the trademark committee's situation, that would be fine too.

G. Branden Robinson                |    America is at that awkward stage.
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    It's too late to work within the
branden@debian.org                 |    system, but too early to shoot the
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    bastards.           -- Claire Wolfe

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