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Re: Uninstallation of GRUB with windows or use of xwindow system

also sprach [od] eeman <eeeeman@gmail.com> [2006.03.23.2219 +0100]:
> I installed debian recently and i believed it would be somewhat
> like slackware linux. Apparently I was wrong. At first I thought
> it would be nice to dual boot debian with windows (and it is) But
> this was because I had originally thought that the start and
> startx and xconf would work with debian thinking they were
> standard linux commands. Wrong again. If I cannot get xwindow to
> run,

Try installing xdm and then reboot. Make sure that X is actually
configured. And note that startx exists on Debian, but you may need
to install the xbase-clients package.

> I would appreciate some help uninstalling GRUB so that I could
> single boot once again with windows and try a different linux
> build such as RedHat or Slax. I discovered that I could not just
> boot off of my windows drive because of a bootloader error when
> I disconnected the debian drive.

error in ntldr because of a missing ntoskrnl.exe file?

Anyway, boot with a DOS disk or Windows CD and issue the command

  fdisk /mbr

Alternatively, just use the Windows CD to restore the system.

Please do not send copies of list mail to me; I read the list!
 .''`.     martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer and author: http://debiansystem.info
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
"i don't think so," said rene descartes. just then, he vanished.

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