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Re: Should this be how i am supposed to act in mailing list discussions ?

On Fri, May 05, 2006 at 11:19:18PM +0200, Mike Hommey wrote:
> On Fri, May 05, 2006 at 10:49:51PM +0200, Sven Luther <sven.luther@wanadoo.fr> wrote:
> >   2) on april 28, a week ago, i made the following proposal to Steve McIntyre,
> >   who the DPL delegated to speak with me :
> > 
> >     If they refrained from bashing on me regularly again, and restored my commit
> >     rights, and i would continue my one-post-per-day-per-thread policy, i think
> >     this might be an acceptable compromise.
> > 
> A compromise is when everyone make some steps forward to agree on
> something. From my point of view, you're asking for others to make these
> steps forward, provided that you don't have to move. That's not a
> compromise.

A compromise is when both sides give way a bit, so that we reach a point that
everyone can accept. I made a proposal, and there was no reply. There was no
proposal at all from the other side.

Also, i am not asking anything outwordly, not even anything that would cause
any disagrement. The only reason they are having for rejecting or ignoring
this is pride, or because they decided they wanted nothing to do with me,
which both i believe are not reasons to be proud of (well, at least in the
world i live).

I also forgot to mention another thing in the original mail i was going to say :

  5) The reason invoked for revoking my SVN rights was that i would hurt d-i
  in spite or anything of the sort. I find this reason insulting and
  defamatory, and without any even remote hint of me having acted such in the
  past 8 years of involvement in debian.


Sven Luther

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