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Re: squeeze release cycle?

On Mon, 2009-11-09 at 21:19 -0200, Andre Felipe Machado wrote: 
> Hello,
> There is still a staged proposal that could benefit BOTH entities that still
> remains unanswered by Canonical:
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2009/08/msg00273.html

Ah, yes...I can answer this.  We are *very* interested in freezing
around a subset of packages.  Specifically, the kernel, gcc, python, X,
openoffice, perl, and java if at all possible.  We've even scheduled a
UDS session for discussing this approach:

This session should be audio streamed (hopefully the room will have good
acoustics), and I will personally be in this session and can relay any
questions/concerns received via IRC. If anyone has thoughts on this,
please don't hesitate to contact me directly.


> Regards.
> Andre Felipe Machado
> http://www.techforce.com.br

Robbie Williamson                      twitter/identi.ca: undacuvabrutha
Ubuntu Foundations & Security Team Manager     robbiew[irc.freenode.net]
http://wiki.ubuntu.com                                 robbie@ubuntu.com

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