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Re: third-party packages adding apt sources

 ❦ 20 mai 2016 08:59 -0300, Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@debian.org> :

>> testing is not suitable for most people because:
>>  1. no security support
> That's not true. Proper security fixes will get into testing after 2
> days in unstable if everything goes right as long as the maintainer, or
> something that cares, does the work.

The fix could be blocked by a transition, by an unrelated RC bug, by a
failure to build on some architecture. And nobody will care that much
since testing is not that important until the freeze is near.

>>  2. packages can disappear at any time
> If they are broken. In my book that a feature and not a bug.

They can disappear due to any RC bug, even something that's not
noticeable by the user, like a FTBFS of a dependency. Would you postpone
the installation of a server until the package is available?
Instrument your programs.  Measure before making "efficiency" changes.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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