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Re: Replace the TC power to depose maintainers

Tollef Fog Heen writes ("Re: Replace the TC power to depose maintainers"):
> Because I generally find it's generally the wrong tool for the job.  If
> I can come up with a good explanation for why somebody should take a
> particular course of action (which I need before I'm willing to override
> anybody), and I take the time to explain it to them and discuss with
> them, I find we usually end up agreeing.

That is of course mostly true of disagreements.

But it is not mostly true of problems which come to the TC.

Of course sometimes the TC will find that getting people to explain
themselves clearly will cause the dispute to evaporate.  I remember
that happening about twice during my term.  But it's easy to tell
when this happens because both parties go away happy and say they
don't need the TC's help any more.

> The goal is not to end up with a new maintainer.  Deposing a maintainer
> or overriding them is sometimes a necessary evil, but it's never my
> first option.

Surely the goal should be to make Debian as good a social and
technical space as possible.

If the maintainer is exercising poor leadership - poor enough that
someone has risked coming to the TC with it - then that goal is best
served by replacing them.


Ian Jackson <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk>   These opinions are my own.

If I emailed you from an address @fyvzl.net or @evade.org.uk, that is
a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.

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