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Re: Fortunes-off - do we need this as a package for Bookworm?


On Mon, 21 Nov 2022, Jonathan Dowland wrote:

> Indeed; my action is not irreversible.

and that is a good thing.

> Anyone who wants to put their name to explicitly racist, sexist and
> pro-nazi material in Debian is free to re-upload it.

I would agree if _every_ quote in there would be pro-nazi or racist
(in every jurisdiction of the world) or sexist (in every jurisdiction
of the world).
It isn't.

the quotes may be bad-worded, offensive in some cultures, going
against someones believes - but not illegal in all jurisdictions.

So, please take this back and start being constructive again.

best regards, Hanno Wagner
|  Hanno Wagner  | Member of the HTML Writers Guild  | Rince@IRC      |
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