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Re: Problem With Debian Root Desktopy

On Wed, Sep 20, 2023 at 09:47:20PM +0000, Saurav Sarkar wrote:
> Hi,
> I was using purchased Debian 8.1.0 and wanted to upgrade to some higher versions after using it for few years.
> So I downloaded Debian 10 and found that "root" account do not have full rights that is "root" user cannot right click on the root's Desktop even "root" user cannot see the root's Desktop Icons also.

This is probably a user level query and probably not something suitable
for the list that goes to the entire Debian Project - follow-ups to the 
debian-user mailing list perhaps?

> I emailed to you but no reply came.
> I thought maybe downloaded version have problem.
> So now i bought Debian 12.1.0 and found that the problem resists, that is "root" user cannot right click on the root's Desktop even "root" user cannot see the root's Desktop Icons also.

Various of the desktop environments discourage direct log-in as root because
this can cause security problems. In GNOME, there is a setting that you 
can manually make to allow root login in gdm, but this is not recommended.

> In Debian 8.1.0 there is no such problems.

With respect, Debian 8.1 is quite a long time ago - security threats (and
security practices) may have changed quite a lot and large parts of the 
Debian codebase have been updated because of security bugs in those years
> So i want to know Why "root" or "administrator" account do not have Full Rights to their Desktop ?

This GUI login as root has been discouraged for a long time but you can
find ways to enable it if you wish. 

> My money gone to HELL.
> Bye,Regards,Saurav Sarkar

With every good wish,

Andy Cater

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