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Re: Removing 4suite from Woody [Re: Please test new 4suite]

On Wed, 2002-04-10 at 06:49, dman wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 01:52:41PM +0200, Alexandre wrote:
> | I'd be a bit reluctant to work on patches now, given the short
> | delay, since it would be difficult for people to test the patches
> | properly before Woody goes out,
> Don't be too sure of that.  It was almost a year ago when we delayed
> discussion/implementation of a central pure-python module manager
> because woody was going to be released "soon".  As it turned out,
> there was plenty of time to have completed that project, if it had
> been started.  If you think that is the Right Solution (I've only
> half read the thread, I have no comments on it), then go ahead and
> start working on it now.  It may or may not be included in woody, but
> it will be ready ASAP, and that's a Good Thing, IMO.

I personally think that it would be a similar amount of effort to fix up
xml.xslt and xml.xpath as it would to bring 4Suite 0.12.0 up to snuff. 
D-Man's comment, and Bill Ellridge's comment on the 4Suite list make me
wonder whether we're rushing about in needless panic.

I suggest we continue with the tack of including latest PyXML and
4Suite, and yank them only if we really have to.

Uche Ogbuji                      Principal Consultant       
Fourthought, Inc.
uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com      http://Fourthought.com      +1 720 320
XML strategy, XML tools (http://4Suite.org), knowledge management
Track chair, XML/Web Services One (San Jose, Boston):
Latest article: Managing structured Web service metadata -
Latest article: WSDL and the Wild, Wild West -
Next presentation: XML, The Model Driven Architecture, and RDF @ XML
Europe - http://www.xmleurope.com/2002/kttrack.asp#themodel

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