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Re: RFH: Debugging symbols of pyside


- regular python build symbols files are useful for anyone willing to
  troubleshoot the problem which is not too complicated and he wouldn't
  need to explore the state of Python at the troublesome moment.

- _d* files for python*-dbg are extremely useful if someone needs to
  triage the problem which cannot be easily comprehended by just looking
  at the stack of compiled extension.  Then various tricks (Python's
  ./Misc/gdbinit, or new way ./Tools/gdb/libpython.py) allow much easier
  bug/problem triage in Python extensions using debug build of Python

Hope this would be of help

On Mon, 28 Jun 2010, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:

> (This was sent on python-modules-team, but it seems not many are reading, so 
> re-sending on d-python.)

> Hi, 

> My python knowledge being too sparse, I need some help from you: Following 
> up bug #586305, with the intention to answer properly to waldi's question 
> and hopefully get pyside built on s390.

> > All the builds are done with -g, aka with debugging symbols. Why the
> > need for extra builds?
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