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Re: Revisiting team joining procedures

On Nov 14, 2012, at 11:04 AM, Jakub Wilk wrote:

I'm afraid that this creates false impression that we'd accept anyone, without any questions asked. This is not the case. As a DPMT admin I required that the applicant:
1) either had existing Python-related packages in the archive;
2) or shown me his existing Python-related packaging work (e.g. by uploading stuff to mentors.d.n);
3) or was a DD;
4) or was advocated by a DD team member.

One thing that's missing is: How do I get from being "a competent Python programmer with a program I'd like to package and share" to either (2) or (4)? I.e. It's a multi-step process; where do I start? what skills do I need to develop? Who can I talk to about it when I run into problems?

If the Debian Community wants more developers and people who are trusted to maintain the infrastructure, the Debian Community needs to encourage talented new volunteers to become part of the process. Part of encouragement is documenting the process.


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